Pouring Soil on stage


acrobats huddled in a circle
Shoulder To Shoulder | Sweat & Joy

Our Vision

Inspired audiences & connected communities

Our Mission

Creating acrobatic art that celebrates humanity, play & physical mastery

GOM's Values

  • Genuinely engage with, share with, and grow our community.
  • Make work that is accessible and inspiring to 'everyman' audiences.
  • Actively create, capture and share opportunities for a wider benefit.
  • Foster an environment of constant growth and evolution - artistic, professional, personal.
hands reaching into the air
person in suit of armour between two acrobats

Company Goals

  1. Operational Excellence - Enhance operational foundations to support the artistic program and people
  2. Quality Artistic Program - Maintain an innovative and sustainable artistic program
  3. People - Ensure that GOM is an attractive, healthy, and progressive place to work
  4. Finance - Shore up income streams and secure funding to ensure operational self-sufficiency